Amber Aged Care is a 40 Bed facility situated in the northeastern suburb of Paradise, just 20 minutes from the city. Due to our relatively small size, our residents are able to enjoy a warm, homely environment where staff and residents are able to form meaningful relationships.

Our Rooms & Environment

The facility is made up of five separate houses, four accommodation and one central dining and activity house. Our independent living estate, Amberlie, is adjacent to the home and consists of 12 units.

All residents have private rooms with key access along with their own en-suites. There are no more than 8 bedrooms with a central lounge and dining area to a house which helps to maintain a homey feel. The houses are complemented by undercover outdoor living areas and surrounded by wide open spaces and gardens.

We can also provide additional furniture (beds, armchairs, storage cupboards) as needed. Each room is air-conditioned, carpeted and has a private bathroom. Sliding glass doors open onto a small private veranda and garden.

Residents can have internet connected in their room for $10 per month.  Those with their own computers, tablets or smartphones can access our WiFi network. Residents have access to gardens with sitting areas, a library, TV lounges and a music room. A large community room in the “Activities Building” is used for gatherings, entertainment, bingo, movies and meetings. There is also a BBQ and outdoor living area. Other amenities include a weekly hairdressing service.

All meals are prepared on site by our chefs and served in the dining areas or residents’ rooms. We take care to vary the menu and consult residents in regard to menu planning. Special dietary requirements for diabetics are catered for as well as individual cultural needs. Mealtimes are a social time of the day and our residents especially enjoy Happy Hour and special lunches organised for events such as the Melbourne Cup, Easter and National days of our community. View our menu here.

Lifestyle Activities

We enjoy a diverse range of lifestyle activities at Amber Aged Care which include (but not limited to):

  • BBQ Days
  • Pub lunches
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Gardening
  • Cultural lunches
  • Pet therapy
  • Farm animal visits
  • Bingo
  • Bus Excursions
  • Music Therapy
  • Reading/Book Club
  • Card Games
  • Exercise Classes
  • Entertainment
  • Quiz/Trivia
February Activities Calendar

Your Privacy

Amber Aged Care acknowledges each resident’s right to privacy. Rooms are lockable and your own key will be provided upon request. Consumers are encouraged to utilise the locked cupboard in the wardrobe for personal papers, jewellery etc.


Your privacy will be observed at all times. Access by staff to your room will only occur after consultation with you or a representative. Should a key be lost, it is the responsibility of the consumer or their representative to notify staff immediately and pay for the cost of a replacement key.

On-site staff and visiting professionals

• General Manager
• Care Manager
• 24/7 registered and/or enrolled nurses
• 24/7 personal care attendants
• Chefs and kitchen attendants
• Lifestyle team
• Maintenance team
• Cleaning and laundry staff
• Administration team
• Dietitian
• General practitioner
• Pharmacist
• Physiotherapist
• Podiatrist

Pallative Care

The “Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021 commenced in South Australia on the 31st of January 2023. Amber Aged Care has been working to ensure we have a clear and consistent response to the Act.

Amber Aged Care is committed to excellent personalised end of life care. When our consumers are approaching their end of life, we assist them to pass away in comfort and with dignity. We achieve this by being aware of the consumer’s wishes and respecting them.

Palliative care identifies and treats symptoms which may be physical, emotional, spiritual, or social. Because palliative care is based on individual needs, the services offered will differ for each individual but may include pain management and Support for emotional, social, and spiritual concerns.

Medical practitioners, Nurses, and other Registered Health Practitioners is South Australia cannot start Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) discussions with a person. All Health Professionals and personal care workers can provide VAD information if the person requests it.

Amber aged care is committed to respecting people’s wishes and if asked Amber Age will provide the VAD information pack to consumers. We believe information is key and will support open discussions with our consumers and their families about their preferences and wishes around end of life care. If you are considering voluntary assisted dying you will need to be assessed by a suitably qualified medical officer who will determine eligibility. Once the Medial Officer completes the final review, Amber Aged Care will work with you to coordinate transfer of care to another provider, however, we will not provide voluntary assisted dying within the Amber Aged Care facility.

Star Rating

The Star Ratings system has recently been introduced for residential aged care homes across Australia. Amber Aged care currently has a 5-star ‘Excellent’ rating.

Learn more about aged care Star Ratings

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we come to tour the facility?

Yes, you can tour the facility with a family member. We understand this will become your home, so we want to ensure you feel comfortable in the space.

What is the pricing for the rooms?

The room cost is $650,000. To understand how much you will need to pay for a room, you will need to undertake an Aged Care Assessment. Find out more here.

Can I bring some of my own furniture?

Rooms include a single or king-size bed dependent on your needs and a mattress to manage and maintain your skin integrity, a bedside table, television table, and room chair. You may furnish your room with your own personal items for example (pictures, and ornaments). We don’t support fridges in rooms due to food safety and the risks associated with this.

What visiting care professionals do you have?

We have a team of personal care workers and RN’s on site 24 hours a day. We then have the following pracitions regulating visiting; Dietician, General practitioner, Pharmacist, Physiotherapist and Podiatrist.

What food and beverages are available?

We provide three main meals a day and snacks for morning tea, afternoon tea and supper. Lunch consists of a main meal and a dessert, dinner consists of an entrée, main meal and a dessert. Two cooked breakfasts are provided each week. The menus are designed by a dietitian to ensure all residents’ nutrition and hydration needs are catered for.

You can view our menu here: Amber Aged Care Menu

Can I bring my own toiletry supplies?

We will supply bath towels, face washers, soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrushes, denture cleaning products, shampoo, conditioner, moisturiser, disposable razors, shaving products and deodorant. However, you may wish to supply your own if you have a special preference. If you or a family member intend to supply products, please advise staff.

Do you offer any additional services?

Yes, at Amber Aged Care, we offer a wide range of additional services, amenities and entertainment for our residents. To learn more, click here.

We Welcome Your Feedback

Amber Aged Care is committed to providing safe, quality care and services to our consumers. Open disclosure is the open discussion that an aged care provider has with people receiving aged care services when something goes wrong that has harmed or had the potential to cause harm to a person receiving aged care service. Amber Aged Care is committed to this form of partnership and engagement with consumers to ensure their safety, health and wellbeing is at the centre of planning, delivering and evaluating their care. For us to provide the best possible care and services, we rely on your feedback to help us learn about ways in which we can improve any issues, suggestions or comments that impact you. We aim to promote and environment that is safe and comfortable for all to raise feedback and concerns. All feedback is treated with respect, confidentiality and sensitivity.

Feedback can be provided by completing a paper-based feedback form or you can submit feedback electronically by following the link to our online form here.